MATLAB: How to have Model InitFcn Callback generated in model Init function using Embedded Coder

Embedded Coder

I have a model which is doing:
output = input + par_init + par_edit
  • par_edit: shall be tunable, to set this value externaly before running the generated code.
  • par_init, is calculated from the first parameter par_edit, and defined in Simulink in the Model-Callback InitFcn.
The generated code looks like
/* Model step function */
void ModelInit_step(void)
ModelInit_Y.Out1 = (ModelInit_U.In1 + 6.123233995736766E-17) + par_edit;
/* Model initialize function */
void ModelInit_initialize(void)
How can I have Model InitFcn Callback generated in model Init function?

Best Answer

Model initialize function code could be generated in the following methods:
  • Using Initialize Function which executes contents on a model initialize event, instead of the model callback InitFcn
  • By specifying *Configuration Parameters > Code Generation > Custom code *to include in the generated model initialize function.