MATLAB: How is it possible to deactivate signal logging of referenced models in the InitFcn callback


How is it possible to deactivate signal logging of referenced models in the InitFcn callback?
While doing this with
>> set_param(bdroot, 'InstrumentedSignals', [])
in InitFcn callback in the model callbacks, I see the following error:
Error evaluating 'InitFcn' callback of block_diagram 'modelName'.
Callback string is 'set_param('bdroot', 'InstrumentedSignals', []) '
Caused by:
It is incorrect to modify the model 'modelName' from the InitFcn callback of a different model.

Best Answer

Doing it like in the described way is indeed not possible, but it sounds like the Signal Logging Override feature is exactly what you are looking for:
This feature allows the user to override the signal logging for the entire model hierarchy without the need for modifying referenced models. Using the override you log a subset of the signals selected to log in each model or none of them. There is both a programmatic and graphical approach for this, which can both be found from the documentation above.