MATLAB: How to get values over x-axis from a plotted Histogram


I plotted a histogram using the historgram() method, somewhat similar to this-
I wish to note the values over y-axis and x-axis.
I can get the values over y-axis pretty easily using histogram.Values.
For corresponding x-axis values, using the histogram.BinEdges, I get values as: -0.5 0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5, but what I want is: 0 1 2 3 4 5.
I tried looking into complete properties of Histogram but coudln't found a property useful to me.
I could do that manually by running the following piece of code.
for i=1:Histogram.NumBins
But I believe there should be some inbuilt method/property to do this.
So, is there some property/method which I can use to get the desired values?

Best Answer

Seems that from the documentation of histogram & Histogram Properties there isn't any built in property to get the values you are looking for.
You could make use of BinEdges & BinWidth as follows:
binEdges = Histogram.BinEdges;
x = binEdges(1:end-1) + Histogram.BinWidth/2;