MATLAB: How to get the Program ID for a block from Dials and Gauges Blockset 1.1.3 (R13SP1) so that I can use it as an ActiveX object

activexandblocksetdialsgaugesGauges Blocksetidprogram

The blocks from the Dials and Gauges Blockset can be accessed using MATLABs ActiveX commands, but the interface must be initialized by calling the ACTXCONTROL function with the Program ID for the block.

Best Answer

The Program ID for a block can be found using the following procedure:
1) Navigate to any instance of the block in Simulink, either in a model or in the library.
2) Right click on the inner part of the control (the area covered by graphics)
3) Click on 'Block Parameters'
4) The first parameter is 'Program ID'
Note that this is the Program ID for that block in general, not a specific block. The Program ID can be used to create new ActiveX objects.