MATLAB: How to get the exact position of a plotted point


I've plotted a graph and additionally marked a specific point. A 'ButtonDownFcn' is assigned to the point, to enable user interaction.
By clicking onto the point I would like to receive its exact x and y coordinates.
My approach:
function getPlotPointCoord()
x = -2*pi:0.05:+2*pi;
hold on;
plot(x, sin(x));
% plot point at (x=0, y=0)
plot(0, sin(0), 'bx', 'ButtonDownFcn', @getPoint);
function getPoint(varargin)
currentPoint = get(gca, 'CurrentPoint');
fprintf('Hit Point! Coordinates: %f, %f \n', ...
currentPoint(1), currentPoint(3));
The call _get(gca, 'CurrentPoint') for instance returns the following values:
Hit Point! Coordinates: 0.000000, 0.002924
Hit Point! Coordinates: 0.000000, 0.002924
Hit Point! Coordinates: 0.000000, 0.002924
Hit Point! Coordinates: -0.106952, -0.008772
Hit Point! Coordinates: 0.106952, -0.014620
Is there a way to receive the true values (x=0, y=0) of the 'button' instead of the current (most likely) mouse-coordinates?
Thank you!

Best Answer

What do you mean? You want the x/y value of the data points? You can get that from menu Tools->Data Cursor and then click along the curve.