MATLAB: How to get Pixels on two circles with radii R and R’ for an image with angles 0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, 315, 360.Extented local Binary Pattern(ELBP)

135180225270315360;elbp4590Image Processing Toolboxpixels and its intensity on two circles with radii r and r' for an image with angles 0

How to get Pixels on two circles with radii R and R' for an image with angles 0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, 315, 360.Extented local Binary Pattern(ELBP)

Best Answer

Well, you know the formulas, don't you
x = xCenter + r * cosd(theta)
y = yCenter + r * sind(theta)
and so on. So where are you having trouble? Just round it to get the columns and rows
column = round(x);
row = round(y);
pixelValue = yourImage(row, column);
I'm attaching my LBP demo.