MATLAB: How to get data from file to matrix

copydata filefilefscanfmatrixreadtxt

Hi, I want to read a TXT file (this file has 35 columns and 351 rows) and save all the data to a matrix (35 x 351).
I'm trying with the following code:
formatSpec = '%d';
sizeA = [351 35];
A = fscanf(fileID,formatSpec,sizeA);
It creates the matrix (35 x 351) and saves the data, but no propperly.
What I want is, for example, read the first line of the TXT, then storage that line in the first row of the matrix.

Best Answer

>> A=importdata('ionos.txt');
>> whos A
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
A 351x35 98280 double
>> A(1:5,1:10) % see what a little bit of it looks like...
ans =
49 0 49 23 46 25 45 15 49 25
49 0 49 20 48 15 22 1 49 23
49 0 49 24 49 25 49 21 47 25
49 0 49 13 49 49 42 0 25 25
49 0 49 24 48 26 48 19 44 20