MATLAB: How to get any pressed key while playing the video


I want to get any pressed key during the video is played, using 'KeyPressFcn'
my script is
videoFReader = vision.VideoFileReader('rhinos.avi');
videoPlayer = vision.VideoPlayer;
% Play video. Every call to the step method reads another frame.
while ~isDone(videoFReader)
frame = step(videoFReader);
% pause(1)
% Close the file reader and video player.

Best Answer

VideoPlayer opens its own play interface and there is no way to tell it to play within a specific axes or figure. That makes it more difficult to find the figure and attach a callback to it. Easier is to create another figure and attach a WindowKeypressFcn callback to it and give the figure focus (so that it becomes the one that receives the keypress events.)
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