MATLAB: How to get an estimate per subject from a linear mixed model (instead of just a group-estimate)

linear mixed effect models

hey everyone,
I have a linear mixed model that includes my subjects as a random effect (within subject design). In the output of the model I only get the effect for the group:
Group: Subject (47 Levels)
Name1 Name2 Type Estimate Lower Upper
{'(Intercept)'} {'(Intercept)'} {'std'} 0.18346 0.14923 0.22553
To be able to talk about the consistancy of my effect, I would like to plot and report an estimate per subject tho. This must obviously be somewhere in there, since the individual estimates are used to calculate the group estimate. I could however not find a function that gives me the individual estimates.
Any ideas?
All help is appreciated
Best, Jo

Best Answer

nevermind, I found it (obviously after searching for it for several hours, I find it right after opening a question here). In case someone is having the same question, it can be found in the randomEffects function
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