MATLAB: How to generate random numbers which follow an arbitrary frequency distribution

frequency distributionhistogramrandom number generatorstatistics

I need to generate a vector of random numbers (say 100 numbers) between 0 and 1 which follow a particular trend.Suppose I have a histogram (not data, just the picture) more or less like the one below. Now, the random numbers that I need must have a frequency distribution similar to that shown by this histogram… That is I need more of the numbers to fall between .9 and 1. And I need this to work for any given frequency distribution.. Is it possible? I am very, very new to MATLAB.

Best Answer

segments=[0.5,1,1.5,2,2.5,3,3.5,4,4.5,5]; %Required segments from your hist image above
counts=[0,2,4,6,7,10,14,0,1,0]; %Count of required elements in each segment NOTE: length(counts)=length(segments)-1
r=[];%Random Matrix output
for l1=1:length(segments)-1
a=segments(l1);%start Segment Value
b=segments(l1+1); %end segment Value
r = [r (a + (b-a).*rand(counts(l1),1))']; %Generate random nos within the range
and append to output matrix
r=r(randperm(sum(counts)))%Randomize the output matrix!