MATLAB: Uniform Distribution (Continuous) fit on data

uniform distribution (continuous)

i have a variable 1 <B< 8 ,which i want to pick up randomly each time 1 number(B also could be 1 and 8), (which each value has the same probability of occurrence)so how could i produce uniformly random number between 1 and 8 ??

Best Answer

Generate values from the uniform distribution on the interval [a, b]:
r = a + (b-a).*rand(100,1);
or if you'd want the numbers to be integers,
Use the randi function, instead of rand, to generate integer values from the uniform distribution on the set 1:100:
r = randi(100,1,5);
Although you must note that these numbers are pseudorandom, in that no computer system can in reality generate purely random numbers!
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