MATLAB: How to generate Publication quality( for conferences/Journals) figures in MATLAB

exportfigureimagematlab guiplotplotting

Hello everyone. This is a general query. How can I generate 'high-res' figures in MATLAB that can be used for publication (Conferences/Journals)?
I previously found this package export_fig, but I am confused how to use this even after reading their README section. The instructions seemed vague to me.
If you have any idea how to use this package, please kindly answer with an example. Or if you know any other techniques to generate high-res figures in MATLAB, kindly share.
Thank you!

Best Answer

In the File menu go to print preview - from there you can set a number of different behaviours of matlab's print. Then print your figure with:
filename = goodone-01.eps
That should give you a decent eps-file where the plot is in a vector-graphics format, it works for most cases except where you use transparency.