MATLAB: High-quality, rendered figure for publication with dotted and dashed lines


I'm trying to produce high-quality figures from graphs with dashed and dotted lines, but haven't been able to make them look nice.
I believe the renderers are the main problem, in combination with dashed and dotted lines. OpenGL messes up the dashed and dotted lines (see attached figure_openGL) which seems to be a well-known bug. Painters changes the font of all text to some old typewriter setting (see attached figure_painters).
Ultimately, I would like a .tiff image (that is what the journal requires) with 600 dpi resolution, nicely rendered, ideally without much post-processing. Right now, my best work-around is to combine the attached figures, using the graphs made with the painters renderer and the text from the openGL figure. But I have numerous figures, so that means a couple of days of post-processing.
I've tried a number of solutions and tools:
The pictures linked above are made with
export_fig myfigure.tiff -r600 -opengl
export_fig myfigure.tiff -r600 -painters
In addition to "export_fig", I've also tried "exportfig" and "myaa", but they work with opengl or painters, too, so I'm running into the same problem. If I don't use any renderer, e.g. like this:
imagewd = getframe(gcf);
the figure looks even worse (see attached figure_norenderer).
Finally, I've tried saving the figure as a PostScript first and then converting it into .tiff. Without any of the tools mentioned above, any embedded text gets messy (different font, letters overlapping etc.). "export_fig" with painters renderer produces the same font issue in .eps files as in .tiff files. "export_fig" with openGL
export_fig myfigure.eps -r600 -opengl
looks quite OK, apart from grey dashed horizontal lines all over the diagram which are not supposed to be there (see attached figure_eps_openGL). I've also tried saving as a pdf first instead of eps, which seems to work best at first, but the conversion from pdf to tiff doesn't work well so far.
I'm using Matlab R2012b and gs9.15 on Windows 7, in case that matters.
Does anyone know a solution or work-around that does not require extensive post-processing? Any help is much appreciated!
(Edit: fixed links / attached files)

Best Answer

I just found the culprit.
The painters renderer works for me, but adding
messes up the fonts everywhere in the figure to something completely different. Instead, the font name should be specified in the xlabel, ylabel and text properties - and only there. I've attached some simplified codes that work / don't work.
The issue with openGL and dotted / dashed lines remains, but I'm happy to use painters with the correct settings for this particular case.
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