MATLAB: How to find the solution of third order polynomial symbolically

mathematicsMATLABmemspolynomialsymbolicthird order polynomial

this is my equation, where R is the only unknown
I want to solve this equation simplified polynomial equation becomes a*X^3+b*X+c=0, solve for X. a,b and c are functions of other variables. you can see from above image.
I tried below code
syms R a c d
solve (a*R^3+c*R+d==0,R)
the solution came like below
root(a*z^3 + c*z + d, z, 1)
root(a*z^3 + c*z + d, z, 2)
root(a*z^3 + c*z + d, z, 3)
Please anyone help me. I don't understand these results.

Best Answer

solve (a*R^3+c*R+d==0,R,'MaxDegree',3)