MATLAB: How to find the Polyspace Desktop license number

Polyspace Bug FinderPolyspace Code Prover

How do I find my license number for Polyspace Bug Finder or Polyspace Code Prover desktop products via UI?

Best Answer

To obtain the license number for your Polyspace desktop product via the user interface, follow below steps:
1. Launch Polyspace.
2. At the top left of the window, select the Help > About.
3. After a moment, the "About" window will display your installed products and license number.
If your Polyspace desktop product is not yet installed, contact your license administrator to obtain your license number.
Note that the above instructions apply for Polyspace 2009a and later. If you are using R2008 and earlier, You can find the license number by viewing the license.dat file in the /etc/ directory of the PolySpace_Common folder. The location of the PolySpace_Common folder can be determined from the POLYSPACE_COMMON environment variable.