MATLAB: How to find the first twelve local maximum (peak) values for y and the corresponding times using a script

maxpeaksSignal Processing Toolbox

How would I find the first twelve local maximum (peak) values for y and the corresponding times (t) using a script?

Best Answer

If you don’t have the Signal Processing Toolbox, and since you have a clean, noise-free signal, this works:
x = linspace(0,20,250); % Create Data

y = exp(-0.25*x) .* sin(2.5*pi*x); % Create Data
dy = gradient(x,y); % Derivative: dy/dx
zx = dy.*circshift(dy, [0 -1]); % Zero-Crossings Of Derivative
pkix = find(zx<0); % Zero-Crossing Indices
pkix = pkix(y(pkix)>0); % Indices Of Peaks
xpks = x(pkix(1:12)); % X-Coordinates Of First 12 Peaks
ypks = y(pkix(1:12)); % Y-Coordinates Of First 12 Peaks
hold on
hold off
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