MATLAB: How to find the ansers for an elliptic integral.

elliptic integrals

I am prashanth doing a project using matlab.I am new to matlab.I want to know how to interpret an elliptic integral and how to solve an elliptic integral in matlab. My equation is as follows.
Input: syms a b phi
int((1/(sqrt(1-(((2*b)/(a+b))^2)*(sin((pi/4)-(phi/2))^2)))), phi)
Ans:(-2)*ellipticF(pi/4 - phi/2, (4*b^2)/(a + b)^2)
I want to know how the answer has to be interpreted and use in the following steps.
Thanx in advance.

Best Answer

You need to subs() particular values for "a" and "b" and "phi" into the answer before the value of the elliptic integral can be calculated. For example,
double( subs(Ans, {a, b, phi}, {3, 4, pi/3}) )
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