MATLAB: How to find out which toolboxes are used by the MATLAB file in MATLAB 7.11 (R2010b)


I would like to know what toolboxes and functions called by my MATLAB file.

Best Answer

In MATLAB 7.11 (R2010b), there is a Dependency Report Tool to accomplish this function.
To access the Dependency Report Tool:
1. Open the Current Folder (Current Directory) browser which lists all files and folders in your current directory.
2. Select the MATLAB file for which you want to find out all dependencies.
3. Click on the "Actions" button on top right corner of Current Folder browser.
4. It brings up a drop down list. Select "Reports" from the available options.
5. Under "Reports" select "Dependency Report" which will give you list of all dependencies for the selected MATLAB file.