MATLAB: How to configure tab completion for the function in MATLAB 2016

tab completion

In older version of MATLAB, automatic tab completion can be configured through editing TC.xml located in \matlabroot\toolbox\local\. In MATLAB 2016, however, this file no longer exists. How I can configure tab completion for my own function in MATLAB 2016 then ?

Best Answer

As it turns out, MATLAB 2016 uses a functionSignatures.json file to configure automatic tab completion. One can easily read the content of any such file you find within the $matlabroot\toolbox\ folder to understand how it works.
Here is a very simple example functionSignatures.json file showing how to set up tab completion for a function named nd2finfo :
{"name":"nd2file", "kind":"required", "type":"filepath=*.nd2" }
This file should be saved within the same folder that has the function definition. While typing in the function input, upon pressing tab, I can see a list of files with the extension .nd2 popping up.