MATLAB: @-folder and functionSignatures.json


Hi everyone.
I have a classdef file in a certain @-folder. In the same folder I put the folder "resources" containing the "functionSignatures.json" file for the class object I created. Unfortunately when I try to use the autocompletion with an instance of the class object, I don't get any suggestion at all, as if Matlab doesn't find the corresponding functionSignatures.json file.
@MyClass/resources/functionSignatures.json (containing the function signatures for MyClass.m
but when i type "MyClass(' " and press "tab" I don't get any completions.
If I put the MyClass.m and functionSignature.json file in a NOT @-folder everything works fine.
Any suggestion?

Best Answer

The R2019b doc Customize Code Suggestions and Completions says "For MATLAB to detect the function signature information, you must place functionSignatures.json in the folder that contains the function code."
I failed to find reference to a folder named "resources". Could it differ between releases?
Interpreting the documentation is sometimes tricky, because the text describes only the basic case.
I made the following two clips from my R2018a installation.
Proposal: try with functionSignature.json in the same folder as the folder @MyClass.