MATLAB: How to find distance between two points in an image

distanceimage analysisimage processingImage Processing Toolbox

hello! i have an image something like this.
how to obtain the distance between the dot above i and the line in i? the image of i is attached below.
please help me with the code… thank you!

Best Answer

try to use this
hold on
D = pdist2([r c],[r1 c1],'euclidean'); % euclidean distance
point_1=[r(r2) c(r2)];
point_2=[r1(c2) c1(c2)];
plot([point_1(2) point_2(2)],[point_1(1) point_2(1)],'r')
hold off
distance=sqrt( (point_1(1)-point_2(1)).^2 + (point_1(2)-point_2(2)).^2)
distance =