MATLAB: How to find minimum distance between two cylindrical objects from binary image

bwdistdistanceimage processingImage Processing Toolboxregionprops

I have this binary image
in which I have two cylindrical objects and I want to find out the minimum distance between these. How to do that? I have read this answer but I cannot understand this. Can anyone help to calculate minimum distance in a more simple way? Thanks.

Best Answer

By using bwperim, regionprops and pdist2 functions, you can obtain the minimum distance and corresponding points on each object, like:
% Import your image and binarize
I = imread('aa.jpg');
BW = imbinarize(rgb2gray(I));
% Measure the minimum distance
BW2 = bwperim(BW,8);
stats = struct2table(regionprops(BW2,'PixelList'));
dist = pdist2(stats.PixelList{1},stats.PixelList{2});
[dmin,idx] = min(dist(:));
[r,c] = ind2sub(size(dist),idx);
pt1 = stats.PixelList{1}(r,:);
pt2 = stats.PixelList{2}(c,:);
% Show the result
hold on
plot([pt1(1) pt2(1)],[pt1(2) pt2(2)],'r-o','LineWidth',2)
disp(sprintf('Min. distance: %f [pixel]',dmin))
The minimum distance in pixel was measured to be:
Min. distance: 476.822818 [pixel]