MATLAB: How to find corresponding values

data manupulationdatabase

I have values for Fx and T. I have found out the peaks in Fx using 'Findpeaks', stored in [pks_Fx, locs_Fx]. Now I have to find values of T corresponding to pks_Fx. I tried but couldn't succeeds. Pls help.
script is as follow: [pks_Fx, locs_Fx]= findpeaks(Fx,'minpeakheight',350); figure plot(T,Fx,T(locs_Fx),pks_Fx,'rv','MarkerFaceColor','r'); grid on xlabel('T'); ylabel('Fx') title('Find All Peaks'); legend('FX','Peaks')

Best Answer

Sagar, isn't
what you are looking for? These are the T-values corresponding to the peaks. Am I missing something?