MATLAB: X for y is


my data is a table of 17439×3. With the lines being: time, displacement and force, respectively.
I Need all the corresponding values for time and displacement at the peak forces.
my code is
[pks] = findpeaks (-M2B{:,3},'MinPeakProminence',4);
pks = -pks;
idx = find(M2B{:,3} == pks(:,1);
loc = M2B{:,2}(idx);
this does however not work, if i insert pks (1,1) it does work but i dont get it to work for all values. Can anybody help?

Best Answer

[pks,idx] = findpeaks (-M2B{:,3},'MinPeakProminence',4);
pks = -pks;