MATLAB: How to find average monthly wind velocity values for given years

annualMATLABmonthlywind velocity

I am new to MatLab and trying to create an average monthly wind velocity array for three separate years (2017-19), which I can then plot against each other and finally calculate the accumulated monthly mean from 2017-19.
This is the table formatting
How would I separate each year and determine the monthly mean wind velocities, which I can then insert into a line chart such as this (below) showing each year?

Best Answer

Use groupsummary to compute the means for 12 months across all days/years.
T = table((1:10)', randi(12,10,1), 2017.*ones(10,1), randi(20,10,1)+200, rand(10,1)*20, ...
'VariableNames', {'Day','Month','Year','WindDirection','WindSpeed'})
T = 10x5 table
Day Month Year WindDirection WindSpeed ___ _____ ____ _____________ _________ 1 8 2017 210 16.225 2 4 2017 202 18.072 3 6 2017 208 18.326 4 5 2017 215 12.933 5 1 2017 220 10.287 6 10 2017 204 2.1927 7 8 2017 205 4.0338 8 6 2017 219 11.377 9 2 2017 202 1.3805 10 8 2017 206 8.2965
ans = 7x4 table
Month GroupCount mean_WindDirection mean_WindSpeed _____ __________ __________________ ______________ 1 1 220 10.287 2 1 202 1.3805 4 1 202 18.072 5 1 215 12.933 6 2 213.5 14.851 8 3 207 9.5186 10 1 204 2.1927