MATLAB: How to find and display some value with condition

find and display

Hi, i want to find and also display in message box all the value which is satisfied conditions:
x = randi(10,100,1);
y = 1:1:100;
z = y* exp(x);
s = max(z)
find all z that is z > 0.9*s and also display which x corresponds to z
please help, many thanks

Best Answer

OK, I'm going to assume you really didn't code up your problem the way you wanted to, change the code, and then offer up this solution:
x = randi(10, 1, 100);
y = 1:1:100;
z = y .* exp(x);
s = max(z)
bigZIndexes = find(z > 0.9 * s)
bigZ = z(bigZIndexes)
message = sprintf('%f\n', bigZ);
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