MATLAB: How to extrapolate gridded matrix

extrapolationgridded matrixmatrix

Hi all! I am trying to extrapolate a matrix, but it seems like there is some issues. I have the rows as variable Hs:
Hs = [4.9573 6.6098 8.2622 9.9147 13.2196 16.5245 24.7868 33.0490]
And the Collums as Uw:
Uw = [1.12 2.4500 4.4000 6.7000 9.3500 12.3000]
And the RPM as the "main" matrix:
RPM = 8x6 matrix
So for a given Hs and Uw, there is a RPM.
I want to create a new matrix where Hs and Uw is extrapolated to 0. So the original "main" matrix is extended to a 9×7 matrix where Hs and Uw start from the value 0.
Hope it makes sense otherwise feel free to ask!
Thanks is advance Isa

Best Answer

use scatteredInterpolant
Hs = [4.9573 6.6098 8.2622 9.9147 13.2196 16.5245 24.7868 33.0490];
Uw = [1.12 2.4500 4.4000 6.7000 9.3500 12.3000];
% RPM non datas
[x,y] = ndgrid(Hs,Uw);
F = scatteredInterpolant(x(:),y(:),RPM(:));
[x1,y1] = ndgrid([0 Hs],[0 Uw]);
out = F(x1,y1);