MATLAB: How to extract the data from .nc file based on lat,lon


Hi, I have .nc file. I have to extract the data based on lat,lon points. I tried the following code,
precJanuary = ncread('\C:\Users\divecha21\Desktop\errorBar\tasmax_day_GFDL-','tasmax',[1 1 1],[10 10 1]);
After the execution I got the data for 10 lat,lon points.
Instead of that start,end I tried latitude,longitude limits.
I got the following error,
precJanuary = ncread('\C:\Users\divecha21\Desktop\errorBar\tasmax_day_GFDL-','tasmax',[60.25 5.25 1],[97.25 36.75 1]);
Error using ncread Expected start to be integer-valued.
Error in (line 557) validateattributes(start,{'numeric'},…
Error in ncread (line 58) vardata =, varargin{:});
Error in sample1 (line 28) precJanuary = ncread('\C:\Users\divecha21\Desktop\errorBar\','tasmax',[60.25 5.25 1],[97.25 36.75 1]);
Can any one help me to clear this?
Thank you

Best Answer

According to the ncread command documentation (type help ncread in the Command Window) the START and COUNT inputs are defined as:
For an N-dimensional variable START is a vector of 1-based indices of length N
specifying the starting location. COUNT is also a vector of length N specifying
the number of elements to read along corresponding dimensions. If a particular
element of COUNT is Inf, data is read until the end of that dimension.
In the above code, you are supplying rational (non-integer) inputs as the START and COUNT, hence the error Expected start to be integer-valued.
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