MATLAB: How to extract a number from a string


Good afternoon. I have the following problem. I have a matrix of type "Cell" in which there is data of type "string", said data is composed of a non-numeric character (a – U-) and a numeric character. I want to extract the numeric character of each of the cells in the matrix. Below I leave some images of how my matrices are made.
I want to extract the numerical values ​​of all the "cells" of the last column.
the matrix is ​​named "Yp_c"
Thank you.

Best Answer

Try this %%-section by section

cac = { 123, 'U 2'; 'Mod3', 789 }; % Sample data

isx = cellfun( @(chr) isa(chr,'char'), cac );

buf = regexp( cac(isx), '\d+', 'match' );
num = cellfun( @str2double, buf, 'uni',false );
cac(isx) = num;
and peek on the result
>> cac
cac =
2×2 cell array
{[123]} {[ 2]}
{[ 3]} {[789]}
After reading "all the "cells" of the last column" more carefully
cac = { 123, 'U 2'; 'Mod3', [] }; % Sample data
isx = cellfun( @(chr) isa(chr,'char'), cac(:,end) );
buf = regexp( cac(isx,end), '\d+', 'match' );
num = cellfun( @str2double, buf, 'uni',false );
cac(isx,end) = num;
and peek on the result
>> cac
cac =
2×2 cell array
{[ 123]} {[ 2]}
{'Mod3'} {0×0 double}
/ R2018b