MATLAB: How to export xls file from Matlab


I use this code to get the sum of pixels for a certain area of an image
for col = col1 : col2
row2 = find(mask(:, col), 1, 'last'); % Get bottom row of mask
if ~isempty(row2)
% Get the sum in the GREEN channel, from row1 to row2.
grayLevelSum(col) = sum(greenChannel(topRow:row2, col));
% Compute the height of the mask at every column.
heights(col) = sum(mask(topRow:row2, col));
I also get the results like
Column 0:
0 0 23 23 22 22 21 100 112 113
Column 1:
99 99 87 88 84 32 23 22 21
Column 2:
113 114 155 165 166 210 222 255
… etc
What I want is a way to either have the column results vertically so I can copy and paste them in rows in an xls file or if there is a script to export them directly in rows,columns in xls file determined by me.
Thank you so much

Best Answer

data = [grayLevelSum(:), heights(:)];
sheet = 1;
range = 'A:B';
xlswrite('YourFile.xls', data, sheet, range)