MATLAB: How to estimate coefficients for a system of ODE’s

coefficientsestimateestimatesodesystem of ode's

Hi guys, I need some help with how to process the code in matlab. I have set up a system of ODE's, got the initial values and have values for A at specific times and now I need to estimate the values of k1, k2 and k3. I tried several things, but I still don't have a clue on how to process this into matlab, this is what i got:
dAdt = -k1*A*B-k2*A*C-k3*A*D
dBdt = -k1*A*B
dCdt = k1*A*B-k2*A*C
dDdt = k1*A*B+k2*A*C-k3*A*D
dEdt = k3*A*D
dFdt = k2*A*C+k3*A*D
Inital values
A = 20.09; B = 6.96; C = 0; D = 0; E = 0; F = 0
Specific values for A at different times:
numdata = xlsread('dataset.xlsx')
t = numdata(:,1);
A = numdata(:,2);
eg. numdata =
4.5000 15.4000
8.6700 14.2200
12.6700 13.3500
Is there someone that can help me?

Best Answer

If you are doing parameter estimation of a system of ordinary differential equations, these will likely provide some guidance:
This is usually a fairly straightforward problem.