MATLAB: How to edit the legend when I have *many* entries (but only 2 types of data)

bar ploteditinglegendMATLABmultiple entries

Hello Community,
I have a presentation problem regarding a plot legend that I hope you can help with. This situation is that I plot a bar chart and need to identify a single bar with a different colour when the data hits certain conditions, coded as:
% raise figure
hold on
% set color bar
cm = [0.90 0.90 0.90; 0 0 0];
% run for loop to colour data individually & when data conditions are met
for i = 1:length(pltvar1srt)
if pltvar1srt(i) == 1.71 && 4
hold off
and this produces the plot I need:
The problem is when I add the legend, due to the way I have coloured the bar, I get many data entries:
Using the legend help, I have tried to write the legend using a variety of calls – all of which haven't worked unfortunately:
legend ([data1 data10]);
legend ([data data10]);
legend ([pltvar1srt.9 pltvar1srt.10]);
legend ([pltvar1srt(9) pltvar1srt(10)]);
legend ([cm(1,:) cm(2,:)], 'Data 1', 'Data 2');
% etc. etc.
but still no luck. I have also looked at this useful function – but again, couldn't get it to work in the way I needed.
I simply want the legend to have the two entries ie 'Black Data' and 'Grey Data' and be coloured appropriately.
Can anyone offer any help please?
Many thanks,

Best Answer

if pltvar1srt(i) == 1.71 && 4
hlegend(1) = h;
hlegend(2) = h;
and then
legend(hlegend, {'Data 1' 'Data 2'})