MATLAB: Errorbar: Thicker line but same error bar width


I have made a plot with some errorbars, i.e. my code looks as follows:
box on
hold on
errorbar(x, jobsInQueue, stdJobsInQueue, '--k.');
h = errorbar(x, jobsInService, stdJobsInService, ':k+');
set(get(h,'Children'),{'LineWidth'},{2; 1})
errorbar(x, jobsInSystem, stdJobsInSystem, '-k.');
hold off
Now I want the second error bar to have a thicker line but without a thicker error bar. I tried it above with the set method using the handler h but it does not work.
How can I do it?

Best Answer

Just plot a thicker line on top:
hold on
plot(x, jobsInSystem, '-k.', 'LineWidth', 2)