MATLAB: How to draw line between specific points

line plots

I have two matrices
A = [1000 1000;...
1003 2640;...
2323 2638;...
2661 1096;...
1000 1000;...
1003 2640];
B = [1003 2640;...
2323 2638;...
2661 1096;...
1000 1000;...
2323 2638;...
2661 1096];
I want to plot lines between points mentioned in A and B. I am plotting it by
data = [A, B];
hold on
for i=1:6
plot(data(i, 1:2), data(i, 3:4));
Lines are not connected in the figure which is attached herewith.
Please help.

Best Answer

For the first time around your loop you plot:
plot(data(1, 1:2), data(1, 3:4)); % i.e.
that corresponds to using [1000 1000] from A as X-coordinates, and [1003 2640] as Y-coordinates of your line.
I don't think that's what you want. Have a think about what lines you want to plot (manually, perhaps for only 2-3 rows
of A and B) and how you need to loop over the rows to achieve that. Homework hint: you are allowed to use nested loops.