MATLAB: How to download MATLAB and other MathWorks products


How do I download MATLAB and other MathWorks products?

Best Answer

This article only applies to R2014a and later. For instructions on downloading R2013b and earlier, see the following article:
Before proceeding, please note that only users who have been granted permission to download by their license administrator can use the installer to download MATLAB and associated products. If you do not have download permissions, contact your license administrator for assistance. Your license administrators' contact information can be viewed if you click "Contact Administrators" in the MathWorks License Center.
Once you have download permissions:
  1. Go to your MathWorks account homepage: MathWorks Account
  2. Locate the license you would like to download products for in the list. (Click "View additional Licenses or Trials" if you don't see it.)
  3. Click the downwards-pointing blue arrow on the same row as the license in question.
  4. Click the blue button on the left to download the latest release of MATLAB you have access to, or select an older license in the menu on the right.
  5. Choose the platform you need the installer for. NOTE: If you intend to install MATLAB on a machine different from the one you are downloading the installer on, see the following article: How can I get MATLAB installation files for use on an offline machine?
  6. If prompted by your browser to Run or Save the installer choose to save.
  7. Locate the installer in a file browser. It should be located in the default download location, unless you specified another location. The installer will be named:
  • Windows 64 bit: matlab_R20XXx_win64.exe
  • Windows 32 bit: matlab_R20XXx_win32.exe
  • Mac:
  • Linux:
  1. Launch the Installer:
  • Windows: Double click the matlab_R20XXx_win(64/32).exe to launch the installer. The Windows Self-Extractor will run, and then the installer will launch.
  • Mac: Double-click the This will extract the files and automatically make another folder called matlab_R20XXx_maci64. Inside this folder, double-click InstallForMacOSX to launch the installer.
  • Linux: Unzip the file. From the extracted contents, run the install script.
  1. In the MathWorks Installer, select Log in with a MathWorks Account and continue through the Installer.
  2. When prompted, select the license you would like to download and install.
  3. Select the products you would like to download and install. The installer will proceed to download and install products from the selected license.