MATLAB: How to download MATLAB and other MathWorks products for R2013b and earlier releases


I need to download MATLAB R2013b and earlier. How can I do this?

Best Answer

As of MATLAB R2014a, it is no longer possible to manually download the MATLAB installation files. MATLAB is now downloaded through the MATLAB installer itself. If you are looking to download the MATLAB installer without installing MATLAB for the purposes of installing MATLAB on an offline machine or a machine with no graphical environment, please refer to the following article:
To download MATLAB for R2013b and earlier:
  1. Go to the following URL:
  2. Log in to your MathWorks account if prompted.
  3. Click on the link to download any MathWorks release beneath the 'Get Latest Release' box.
  4. On the right side of this page, select the release you would like to download.
  5. Select your platform.
  6. Uncheck any products you don't want to download. If you want to download all products your are eligible for, click "Download R20XXx products in the bottom right corner of the screen.
  7. Create a folder on your computer called "matlab_installer".
  8. Left-click each link to begin downloading all of your products. All of these files must be downloaded to complete the installation. If prompted, choose to Save the files. The files will download into your default installation directory. As each file finishes downloading, move them into the matlab_installer folder you created earlier.
Once all the files are downloaded and moved into the matlab_installer folder, the download is complete. One of the files you downloaded is the MATLAB installer application:
  • Windows: "matlab_R20XXx_winXX_installer.exe"
  • MacOS: ""
  • Linux: ""
Launching the installer is different on each operating system:
Launch the installer .exe file. The installer will extract itself and start automatically.
Extract the installer zip archive. Move the other zip archives from the matlab_installer folder into the extracted archive. Launch "" to start the installer.
Extract the installer zip archive. Move the other zip archives from the matlab_installer folder into the extracted archive. cd into the extracted zip archive and run the command "sudo ./install" to start the installer.