MATLAB: How to display X-tick labels vertically using GPLOT

gplot;tick labels

Hi, here is the code I'm using:
axis([0 W1 0 H1])
title('MESH GRID (in global coordinates)')
'adj' is the adjacency matrix and 'NC' is the matrix of nodes' coordinates. The thing is when the amount of nodes is quite large, tick labels on the x-axis nearly collide and so I want them to be displayed vertically. I know how to use 'XTicksLabelStyle = Vertical' within the 'plot' function, but 'gplot' does not seem to be supporting that parameter. So how should I do that using 'gplot'?

Best Answer

Not sure if this solution fit your data - but if you know how to set the 'XTicksLabelStyle' within the plot function, why not do
[x, y]= gplot(adj,NC,'-o');
plot(x, y)
and set the ticks.