MATLAB: How to plot node numbers using matrix of nodes’s coordinates

gplot;graph theorynodesnodes' numbers

Hi, my script plots a mesh grid using:
where 'adj' is the adjacency matrix and 'NC' is the matrix of nodes' coordinates. It works absolutely fine, except for the fact that it doesn't plot the nodes' numbers on the graph.
For example, for a grid like this:
| | |
| | |
I need nodes' numbers to be on the graph and the nodes coordinates matrix is given by:
NC =
0 0
0 h
0 H1
w 0
w h
w H1
W1 0
W1 h
W1 H1
Where h's and w's are user's inputs.
The script also provides the matrix of nodes numbers, which for this example looks like this:
A =
1 4 7
2 5 8
3 6 9
I believe it is possible to use the above matrices to plot the nodes' numbers, but I don't know how. Any ideas?

Best Answer

And text() doesn't give you the results you'd like? E.g.
k = 1:30;
[B,XY] = bucky;
axis square
for i=k
If that's not good enough, we could certainly do some cosmetics on it...
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