MATLAB: How to display the value of a block parameter in the model editor window


I would like to display values of block parameters in the model editor window. This would enable me to observe the value specified for a block's parameter without double-clicking the block to open its parameter dialog box. For example, I would like to display in the model editor window the value of the 'Look-up method' parameter associated with a Lookup Table block in my model.

Best Answer

As described in the following procedure, you can use block annotations to display in the model editor window the value of a Lookup Table block's 'Look-up method' parameter:
1. In your model window, select a Lookup Table block.
2. From the model editor's "Edit" menu, select "Block Properties".
3. In the Block Properties dialog, select the "Block Annotation" tab.
4. In the 'Block property tokens' list, double-click the "%< LookUpMeth>" entry.
5. Click the "OK" button to apply your changes and close the Block Properties dialog.
Note that the block displays the value of its 'Look-up method' parameter below its name in the model editor window.
Similarly, you can display the values of other block parameters and add custom text using block annotations. See "Block Annotation Pane" in the Simulink User's Guide for more information.