MATLAB: How to disable the call of a function

callsdisableenableflow controlfunctionguilistener

I have defined this function in the OpeningFcn:
So it's time the user click in one of those areas Matlab automatically call the function, but now I just want to execute the function sometimes, so How can I disable the listener? (I would like to disable the listener instead of writing inside something like
if control==0
thank you!

Best Answer

Óscar - if you want to disable the callback then you should just "remove" it, and then "add" it back when it is required. Given the name of your call back, it seems that areas(i) could be a handle to a graphics object (image). This handle, and all that which is in areas could be saved to the handles structure in the OpeningFcn as
handles.areas = areas;
Then in whatever callback that fires to decide that the ImageClickCallback should be removed from areas(i), you would do something like
% disable the callback
set(handles.areas(i), 'ButtonDownFcn',[]);
To re-enable this callback, you would then just do the following (in whichever callback that fires to decide that ImageClickCallback is needed)
% enable the callback
set(handles.areas(i), 'ButtonDownFcn', @ImageClickCallback);