MATLAB: How to determine the objects base workspace variable name inside a method/function of the class in MATLAB


Is there a MATLAB function that can determine the workspace name for a given argument. Something like function who() but that would take a MATLAB object as an argument and return a string.
I have a custom classdef class that I work with frequently, and have overloaded the functions save() and load() for this class. I declared my save function as:
function save(obj,fileName)
and typically use the workspace variable name as (fileName), so for example:
>>myObj = MyClass;
>>MyClass.load('myObj') % creates (myObj) in base workspace
Ideally, I would like to be able to determine the class object's workspace name within my overloaded save() method. So for example, I would like to be able to execute the above steps as:
>>myObj1 = MyClass;
>>MyClass.load('myObj1') % creates (myObj1) in base workspace
I realize that I could require the object name to be specified in the class constructor, but I don't like this idea; for example:
>>myObj2 = MyClass('myObj2');
>>MyClass.load('myObj2') % creates (myObj2) in base workspace
I expected to find a Matlab function call that would determine the workspace name for a given argument. Something like function who() but that would take a Matlab object as an argument and return a string. For example,
>>myObj3 = MyClass('myObj3');
>>objectName = who(myObj3,'base') % look in base workspace
ans = 'myObj3'
I could then use this function call within to determine the workspace name of the class object.

Best Answer

This can be done using the INPUTNAME function in MATLAB.
You may access the same page locally by typing the following at the MATLAB prompt: