MATLAB: How to cast a superclass object into a subclass object in MATLAB 7.7 (R2008b)


If I have a superclass object, and I would like to cast it into a subclass object. In the pre-R2008b class system I could do this:
obj_sub = class(struct(obj_super),'mySubClass');
In Java, I can do this as:
(mySubClass) obj_super
I do not see any straighforward way to do this in the current MATLAB class system.

Best Answer

MATLAB 7.7 (R2008b) does not have any functionality for directly casting a superclass object to a subclass object.
As a workaround (in any version of MATLAB), create and use a method which automatically copies over non-dependent property values:
function output = copyObject(input, output)
C = metaclass(input);
P = C.Properties;
for k = 1:length(P)
if ~P{k}.Dependent
output.(P{k}.Name) = input.(P{k}.Name);
For more information about converting objects of one class to another and some examples, please refer to the following documentation page: