MATLAB: How to deploy the standalone executable to other machine with MATLAB R14SP3

deployMATLAB Compilerr14

I have compiled my function to a standalone execuatable. I want instructions on how to deploy this exe to my other users to run it on their machine. I noticed 'deploytool' utility is not available in R14SP3

Best Answer

Deployment Tool GUI (DEPLOYTOOL) in MATLAB was launched from R2006b release and later. For earlier releases:
To deploy your component to a target machine that does not have the same version of MATLAB installed as your development machine (or any version of MATLAB for that matter), you need to package the components and configure the target machines as follows.
Note : mcr_root refers to the complete path where the MCR library archive files are installed on your machine. Since mcr_root is version specific, you also need to include ver, which you can determine after you install the MCR
1.Your component, i.e., the stand-alone executable or shared library
2.The CTF archive that the Compiler creates for your component (<component_name>.ctf)
3.MCRInstaller.exe(This file is located in the <matlabroot>\toolbox\compiler\deploy\win32 directory.)
On the target machine, do the following:
1.Install the MCR by running MCRInstaller.exe. During the installation process, you will be prompted for a directory in which to install the MCR, for example, C:\MCR.
2.Copy the component and CTF archive to your application root directory, for example, C:\approot.
3. Add the following directory to your system path:
Note :On Windows XP, this directory is automatically added to your path.
4.Test the component.
For a detailed description of the above process for operating systems other than Windows , please refer to the following documentation link: