MATLAB: How to Crop India shape file from Global shapefile

crop/clipMapping Toolbox

I have two shapefiles: global shapefiles of landuse map and India administrative boundary shapefile. Is it possible to clip/crop the India region using shapefile of India from global shapefile?
The shapefile for India is available in this link:
I have attached the global shape file (in Zip) here.

Best Answer

shpFile1 = "c1976_2000.shp" ;
shpFile2 = "IND_ADM1.SHP" ;
S1 = shaperead(shpFile1) ;
S2 = shaperead(shpFile2) ;
P1 = [[S1(:).X]' [S1(:).Y]'] ;
P2 = [[S2(:).X]' [S2(:).Y]'] ;
N = length(S2) ;
%% Get the points from gloabl file from given Indian file
% Remove NaN's from P1
idx = isnan(P1(:,1)) ;
P = cell(N,1) ; % required matrix
% Get the points lying inside shapefile2 from shape shapefile1
for i = 1:N
P2i = [[S2(i).X]' [S2(i).Y]'] ;
idx = isnan(P2i(:,1)) ;
P2i(idx,:) = [] ;
idx = inpolygon(P1(:,1), P1(:,2),P2i(:,1),P2i(:,2)) ;
P{i} = P1(idx,:) ;
P = cell2mat(P) ;
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