MATLAB: How to define a Mapping Toolbox stereographic projection using the information from a projection file (.prj)

fileMapping Toolboxparseprojecctionprojectionstereographic

I want to parse a projection (.prj) file and create a stereographic projection using the parameters from the projection file.

Best Answer

The ability to automatically parse a projection file and create a projection is not available in the Mapping Toolbox.
To work around this issue, you can manually parse the projection file and use the parameters to create a stereographic projection. For example, a stereographic projection file has the following contents:
You can create a Mapping Toolbox stereographic projection structure from the parameters in the .prj file as follows:
mstereo = defaultm('stereo')
mstereo.geoid = [6378137.0, flat2ecc(1/298.257223563)] ;
mstereo.falseeasting = 0;
mstereo.falsenorthing = 0;
mstereo.nparallels = 1;
mstereo.mapparallels = -71;
mstereo.origin = [-90 0];
mstereo = defaultm(mstereo);
To use this projection structure to display latitude and longitude coastline vector data, you can use the following commands:
load coast
plotm(lat, long)
To transform map coordinate data (given x,y coordinate arrays) to latitude and longitude, use:
[lat,lon] = minvtran(mstereo, x, y);
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