MATLAB: How to create surface from stacked 2D plots

3d plots

I want to create a 3-d plot showing how the stability range (b_kx,b_ky) change depending on the time delay of the system (z-Axis). I can stack (b_kx,b_ky) plots by using plot3d (b_kx, b_ky, T) for each T. How can I smoothly create a surface connecting each of the individual plots?

Best Answer

It would help to have your data. Lacking them, adapt this approach to your data.
This should get you started:
t = linspace(0, 2*pi, 60); % Parameter Vector
crcx = cos(t); % Circle X
crcy = sin(t); % Circle Y
rv = randi([2 10], 10, 1); % Radius Vector
crcxm = rv*crcx; % Circle X Matrix
crcym = rv*crcy; % Circle Y Matrix
surf(crcxm, crcym, 2*(1:10)'+ones(size(crcxm))) % Plot Surface
grid on
axis equal
shading('interp') % Optional
producing (for this random radius vector):
So with your data, create matrices from the individual circles by vertically concatenating their x and y coordinates (make them equal lengths using a common angle vector and interp1 if they are not already equal), then plot that with a z matrix created by adding a column vector of the ‘T’ values by an appropriate ones matrix as I did here. They all appear to have a common centre, so that should not be a problem.