MATLAB: How to create Doses for Pharmacokinetic (PK) models in the SimBiology Desktop in SimBiology 4.1 (R2012a)


I am trying to add Doses to a Pharmacokinetic (PK) model made using SimBiology 4.1 (R2012a). In particular, I am using the SimBiology Desktop rather than a programmatic approach done purely in MATLAB.
The documentation for Doses below emphasizes on the MATLAB-based approach:
How do I go about this?

Best Answer

In order to create Doses using the SimBiology Desktop, please take the following steps:
1. Open up the SimBiology Desktop by typing "simbiology" at the MATLAB Command Window.
2. Select "Add Model > Load Model from PK Library". This is just for a simple example -- any model can be added here.
3. Below the Toolstrip, there are 3 tabs titled "Model", "Variants" and "Doses". Please select the "Doses" tab.
4. Enter the name of the desired dose (for example, 'testDose') and select the type -- repeat or schedule -- of the dose. Then click on the "Add" button to the right of these fields.
5. The new dose created will show up in the table. Below the table are two more tabs titled "Settings" and "Description". The fields under the "Settings" tab can be modified, and will be different depending on whether a repeat or schedule dose was selected. As these fields are populated, the dose will be visualized on the Axes in the "Settings" tab.
More information on Doses in general can be found at the following link: