MATLAB: How to create dataset for classification and pattern recognition (neural network)

classificationdatasetneural networkpattern recoginition

Dear all I have a table of extracted features from the image. I need to create a dataset to use it in classification and pattern recognition. I have many images and i will group them according to disease stage to 4 or 5 groups or classes. could you help me how to create the dataset (inputs and targets) and if there some advice to create a good classifier and have a good results. thank you

Best Answer

For c classes: Create two matrices from N pairs of I-dimensional input vectors and c-dimensional {0,1} unit vector targets. The 1 in the target vectors indicates the class index integer (1:c). The relationship between the target matrix and the class index row vector is given by
target = ind2vec(classindices)
classindices = vec2ind(target)
Use patternnet or the obsolete (but still available) newpr.
See the examples in the help and doc documentation, e.g.,
help patternnet
doc patternnet
Also see some of my posts in the NEWSGROUP and ANSWERS:
greg patternnet
Hope this helps.
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