MATLAB: How can i train neural network for letter recognition using matlab and she to has 26 outputs like 26 letters in english alphabet

letter recognitionneural networktrain neural network

Hi all. I want to make project for letter recognition data using neural network. I use this dateset: Тhis is my code to prepare data:
clear all;
fid = fopen('', 'rt');
num_attrib = 16;
fmt = ['%s', repmat('%f', 1, num_attrib)];
datacell = textscan(fid, fmt, 'Delimiter', ',', 'CollectOutput', 1);
which_letter = char(datacell{1});
attribs = datacell{2};
target_codes = which_letter - 'A' + 1;
train_set = attribs(1:end-4000, :);
train_targets = target_codes(1:end-4000);
Тhe problem that I have is: I can not do to have 26 targets (as there are letters in the alphabet). I wanna to have 16000 inputs and 26 outputs.

Best Answer

The target columns should be columns of the unit matrix
The relationships between the target and class indices are given by
target = ind2vec(classindices)
classindices = vec2ind(target)
The output yields the estimated indices
estimatedindices = vec2ind(output)
Nerrs = numel(estimatedindices~=classindices)
Hope this helps.
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