MATLAB: How to create a Cell Array in a MEX function which can be returned to the MATLAB workspace


I would like to create a cell array in a MEX file which contains two character arrays as members of the cell array. I would also like to return this cell array to the base MATLAB workspace. How can this be done? 

Best Answer

The 'mxCreateCellMatrix' function can be used to create a cell matrix within a MEX <file: >
Note that once the mxArray corresponding to your cell array has been created, you would may need to set cell array fields using the 'mxSetCell' function:
An example of this workflow is provided with MATLAB. Please execute the following command on the MATLAB Command Window: 
>> edit([matlabroot '/extern/examples/mx/mxcreatecellmatrix.c']);
There is another example of this workflow with this article as "cellTest.c". This file creates a cell array with "Hello" and "Goodbye" character arrays as members of the cell array. 
If you would like to return a cell array created in a MEX file to the MATLAB workspace, the recommended method is to add the new 'mxArray' to the 'plhs' array within the 'mexFunction' in the MEX file. However, if this is not sufficient for your workflow, you can also use the 'mexPutVariable' function to manually send specified variables back to the base MATLAB workspace.